Graham Annesley, the new chief executive of the Titans. Picture: Adam Head Source: News Limited
GOLD Coast chief executive officer Graham Annesley says he's restructured the NRL club's business unit to maximise the team's performance on the field.
In one of Annesley's first significant steps since joining the Titans in August, the former NSW sports minister says the club's business unit has been restructured to "aggressively" grow revenues.
Thursday's development comes days after Annesley was forced to publicly refute suggestions the Titans had failed to pay some players' marquee payments and owed money to the NRL.
"The only reason an NRL club exists is to be in the mix with the other teams in contention for the major end of season games," Annesley said in a statement.
"This can only happen if we have a strong business model off the field so the players can be assured everything we do in the administration is targeted at supporting their efforts on the field."
The club's revenue-related functions will now be pulled together under one central sales and marketing department under the restructure.
The Titans have had a chequered financial history in recent times, with the NRL reportedly almost folding the club in March over debts of up to $25 million.
Graham Annesley, the new chief executive of the Titans. Picture: Adam Head Source: News Limited
Club chairman Darryl Kelly said the changes should give fans confidence the Titans are recovering off the field.
"Our players, fans, and partners have every reason to feel confident about 2014 and beyond," Kelly said.
"The administrative changes announced today will ensure everyone in our organisation is focused on supporting the players' efforts to perform at their optimum."
31 Oct, 2013
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